Hi: this is a status report sent by the "GeoQoS GeoHealthCheck - Demo" service
at https://demo.geohealthcheck.org for the GeoHealthCheck endpoint at https://demo.geohealthcheck.org

== Monitoring Period ==
From: 2024-04-11 08:27:32.255336
To: 2024-04-19 09:05:29.987868

== Status ==
Resources: 15
Operational: 13
Failing: 2
Reliability: 82.2%

== Failing Resources ==

[596] - "GeoServer Web Map Service"
  Reliability: 0%
  URL: Https://dev2.kabelik.at:8443/geoserver/wms
  Owner: Bkabelik
  Details: https://demo.geohealthcheck.org/resource/596

[631] - "IGN Géoplateforme WMTS"
  Reliability: 0%
  URL: https://data.geopf.fr/wmts
  Owner: mdouchin
  Details: https://demo.geohealthcheck.org/resource/631

== Links ==
Home: https://demo.geohealthcheck.org
Summary JSON: https://demo.geohealthcheck.org/api/v1.0/summary
Summary TXT: https://demo.geohealthcheck.org/api/v1.0/summary.txt
Status  CSV: https://demo.geohealthcheck.org/csv